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Hello and a Happy New Year to you all.

The first social event of the year, the annual Fitting Out Dinner, takes place on Saturday the 3rd February at the Clubhouse.

The comedian is Bill Wooland, he is very funny, well worth seeing. Tickets are priced at £25.00. There is a list up in the clubhouse for tickets, you can phone a flag officer or see Julie behind the bar.

During the recent bad weather we had a very high tide with a storm surge similar to the bad one in December 2013 which flooded the Clubhouse. As Charles commented, in the minutes below, the works carried out had successfully saved the Clubhouse from damage. Well done to the people who designed and constructed the defences.

Here is one of last year’s entries to the BSC Photo Competition, from David Blackburn: 

Photo of River Alt at Hightown with tide low.


If there is anything anybody would like to see in the Newsletter drop me an e mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.