News Letters
BSC News May 2016
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Hello all,
The first race of the sailing season has occurred, the Shakedown, with Cariad being the victor. I have included a summary of Rohan’s recent mails which has the current list of BSC races and details of the Sailing League. These follow the General Committee notes. Below is Rohan’s report on the Shakedown -
BSC News April 2016
E mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hello all,
Sorry it’s been so long since I sent out a newsletter.
I am sure that you have all seen the improvements to the clubhouse and the grounds lately. Thanks to all who have attended the working parties and the ‘usual suspects’ who work tirelessly for the benefit of all members.
I have, as usual, included notes from the last General Committee meeting, for those who like to know the ins and outs of the running of all the different aspects of the BSC.
BSC News February 2016
E mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hello all,
Nice to see so many of you at the Fitting Out Dinner. I think that all would agree that it was a very enjoyable night. The comedian, Mike Lancaster, was good and the meal was excellent.
BSC News January 2016
Happy New Year to you all.
The business of the club doesn’t stop for the holiday season, as you can see from the minutes of last weeks General Committee meeting in the Newsletter. I think it is just worth reminding all of the members how much work the various Committees do behind the scenes, often with very little thanks or recognition.
BSC News November 2015
Editor John Carroll.
Well we have, so far, had two ‘named’ storms but the few usual hardy souls can still be found working on their boats in the yard.
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